Try the app that helps everyone win

Boosta makes trainers better teachers.

Help your players fall in love with the game or master tough challenges using Boosta’s innovative technique that divides your lessons into step-by-step teaching tools. Then, let us help you find more players and scale your business. 

Train bigger.

Easily convert your training into bite-sized lessons with an intuitive, in-app software that makes even the most complicated exercises teachable.

Boosta makes it easy to extend your training to an endless amount of players, helping them master new skills any time, anywhere. 


Motivate More.

Even if your pool of players spans continents, Boosta’s unique 1-to-1 feedback loop lets you give proper attention to all, creating personalized coaching that has only been previously available face to face. 

Boosta brings trainers better business. 

Boosta’s intention is to partner with the most passionate trainers in the game. While you help players fall further in love with the sport, we’ll help you scale and monetize your business, creating more success for all.